Oct-12-2010, 03:26 PM (UTC)
(Oct-08-2010, 01:08 PM (UTC))Rendezvous Wrote: Im not defending the book, but I feel I should point out that all of the Night Angel books were written and released in one month succession, so I'de put down the horrible spell checking to that. They decided to put a speedy release above precision. Probably not the best approach in the long run.
I have to admit that I've given them such a flogging that I feel now that even I should be defending the NA books

I can see that what you're saying would be correct simply from reading the series, Rendezvous, (without having any extra knowledge of the process) and, regardless of it being a good or bad approach by the author or publishers, much could be forgiven if the books could be taken back down from bookshelves and re-written/worked with more time on hand. While that is an obvious comment that could be said of any book, I guess, I think it is very true in this case as, as I mentioned previously, the core story was good and Weeks also has talent (in my not-very-expert opinion, at least).
Much of what I complained about, I suppose I could describe as the 'filler' that came in the wake of quality not being given priority over time eg if more time had been taken, I think that Weeks would have been capable of writing better filler to shore up his valuable framework (which I liked), as opposed to some other, lesser author having all the time in the world but still not having the ability to produce something of quality.
If anything, I am now feeling rather glad to have read the books (did I really just type that?!) as they are such a good example of a great story gone wrong...or what can happen when you don't allocate enough time to an otherwise worthy project (the fence is always going to look better painted if you take three days rather than three hours to complete the task)!
(Oct-08-2010, 02:20 PM (UTC))Albertosaurus Rex Wrote: How does one pronounce "Ceur’caelestos"? If anything, the names really kill it for me. Fantasy readers get used to weird names, but this is over the op for me.
I must admit that I did find one or two of the names a little frustrating (this is true of many of the books I read) but Ceur’caelestos, which I pronounced as sir-say-lest-os, was actually one of my favourites. Rather a "cool" name for a sword, I thought (had to agree with my sons on something

Any actual book suggestions I have, I've already made elsewhere here on thePlenty and so can't think of anything else off-hand to put this thread back on track...sorry for the rocky NA detour

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."