Okay, so obviously the "mirror" is either a window or an empty frame. He does the same things on both sides of that wall - or is working together with someone. That how the banana in the "mirror" is able to stay - but I don't understand where the "real" banana went.
This signature makes the preceeding post about 20% cooler.
It is a video, it could have been smuggled away off the camera frame. You only see what the camera sees. In a live-action demonstration, it'd be much harder to pull off.
Just home after another long, eventful trip away...I saw a definite delay between one image and the other and this suggests it's not a 'reflection' but both the left and right hands at work. Will have to have another look re the banana though!
"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."
One very easy way. Attach fishing line to the banana, then pull it away... As for the reflection, that is harder to explain. Except when you look at the middle fingers & the skin tone. Skin tone is not identical, and the middle fingers have different positions |V| on one side, |||| on the other...
when 'thul write in all italics, it is the lord of the three realms within 'thul speaking. A fairly egoistical, but also somewhat simple-minded dragon. Do not take such posts at face value.
"Its for charity. Widows and orphans. We need more of them."