Miltäs kuulostaisi idea, että järjestämme tapaamisajan, -paikan ja ehkä jopa mahdollisesti jotain ohjelmaa Hobb-faneille Finncon 08:n yhteyteen? Jos olemme ajoissa liikkeellä, saan varattua meille järjestäjien puolesta tilankin. 
Finncon 2008: 26.-27.7.2008, Tampere
Vahvistettu aika ja paikka on la 16-17 Opus 4 -tilassa (jatkosta voidaan sitten sopia ideoiden mukaan erikseen). (Tampere-talon kartta, Opus 4 löytyy toisesta kerroksesta).
(Kommentteja voi jättää tähän nyt ainakin toistaiseksi rekisteröitymättä, allekirjoitathan viestisi silti nimelläsi tai nickilläsi, kiitos.)
And in English:
Finncon 2008 will be held from 26th to 27th of July in Tampere, Finland. If you're attending (or just happen to be in Finland around that time) you can participate in a meeting of Hobb fans. We have a room (Opus 4 -room in the 2nd floor of Tampere-talo, see the map) reserved for our use from 4PM to 5PM on Saturday the 26th, but who knows what other plans we'll come up with.
In an attempt to keep things as easy as possible, I suggest that you leave any comments, ideas or see-you-theres here. You don't have to register to comment on this thread, just sign your post with your nick/name, please.

Finncon 2008: 26.-27.7.2008, Tampere
Vahvistettu aika ja paikka on la 16-17 Opus 4 -tilassa (jatkosta voidaan sitten sopia ideoiden mukaan erikseen). (Tampere-talon kartta, Opus 4 löytyy toisesta kerroksesta).
(Kommentteja voi jättää tähän nyt ainakin toistaiseksi rekisteröitymättä, allekirjoitathan viestisi silti nimelläsi tai nickilläsi, kiitos.)
And in English:
Finncon 2008 will be held from 26th to 27th of July in Tampere, Finland. If you're attending (or just happen to be in Finland around that time) you can participate in a meeting of Hobb fans. We have a room (Opus 4 -room in the 2nd floor of Tampere-talo, see the map) reserved for our use from 4PM to 5PM on Saturday the 26th, but who knows what other plans we'll come up with.
In an attempt to keep things as easy as possible, I suggest that you leave any comments, ideas or see-you-theres here. You don't have to register to comment on this thread, just sign your post with your nick/name, please.
"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny