Aug-09-2010, 02:07 PM (UTC)
Yay for overanalysing!!!!!!!
Hmmm well I'm stumped on the baby/doll....... maybe it's just like some sort of doll from the Fool's childhood? Or maybe he made it..... As to the significance I cannot say precisely.
But your quotes in your post make me think of the Fool sitting in his room like a psycho patting the baby and saying 'there there, we make all the bad go away'
Hehehe , hopefully not!
I too often pondered why Fitz often makes a point of how silent/scentless/indetectable to his Wit sense the Fool is ..... but errr I have no answer to that either. I guess we can always put such things down to 'that's what the white prophets are like...' ... but that's no real answer !
(I can't recall exactly if Fitz makes any mention of Prillkop being the same..... hmm have I asked that before? seems familiar)
It's obviously not just Fitz who notices this, as you picked up that Wintrow made a similar comment re Amber....
Hmmm well I'm stumped on the baby/doll....... maybe it's just like some sort of doll from the Fool's childhood? Or maybe he made it..... As to the significance I cannot say precisely.
But your quotes in your post make me think of the Fool sitting in his room like a psycho patting the baby and saying 'there there, we make all the bad go away'
Hehehe , hopefully not!
I too often pondered why Fitz often makes a point of how silent/scentless/indetectable to his Wit sense the Fool is ..... but errr I have no answer to that either. I guess we can always put such things down to 'that's what the white prophets are like...' ... but that's no real answer !
(I can't recall exactly if Fitz makes any mention of Prillkop being the same..... hmm have I asked that before? seems familiar)
It's obviously not just Fitz who notices this, as you picked up that Wintrow made a similar comment re Amber....