May-04-2011, 11:16 AM (UTC)
Note from the admin:
Folks, I think the current discussion has strayed quite far from the original idea of this thread. Moreover, I think the tone is becoming a bit too tense. Please remember this is a forum for discussing _mainly_ Robin/Megan related things, _then_ topics that are related such as fantasy in general and only a tiny portion of it is reserved for off-topic conversation. As stated in the forum rules, this is NOT a general or political or religious forum (although it's impossible to completely avoid those topics in any discussion) so the emphasis should not be on those things. There are plenty of other places online to debate these matters. Please get back to the original matter of this topic or leave it be. Thank you.
Folks, I think the current discussion has strayed quite far from the original idea of this thread. Moreover, I think the tone is becoming a bit too tense. Please remember this is a forum for discussing _mainly_ Robin/Megan related things, _then_ topics that are related such as fantasy in general and only a tiny portion of it is reserved for off-topic conversation. As stated in the forum rules, this is NOT a general or political or religious forum (although it's impossible to completely avoid those topics in any discussion) so the emphasis should not be on those things. There are plenty of other places online to debate these matters. Please get back to the original matter of this topic or leave it be. Thank you.
"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny