Dec-01-2009, 03:13 AM (UTC)
While I was upgrading the forum script I noticed there's a new version for the Twitter plugin and I re-installed it. You can now again add your twitter username to your profile and your latest tweet will be displayed - but there's now a setting that enables restricting that to only the profile pages. (I think it's better this way, the tweets can be quite distracting in the middle of conversations. AND this way you can still keep your user title! I had to manually remove the old twitter account names, and I'm not sure I caught all - if your old "stuck" feed is still being displayed with your messages, please let me know and I'll remove it through the admin panel. Here's the Twitter plugin FAQ if you have any problems using the new version (Scroll down to "Profile use"). You can visit my profile to see how the feed will be displayed.
"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny