Dec-16-2011, 11:11 PM (UTC)
^ Star Wars? A bit of Darth there?
Now I'm going to have that in my head for the rest of the day..."I find your lack of faith disturbing, oomph, ahhh..." ....thanks 'thul! I may have to undertake a SW movie marathon to get rid of it... 
Right, here's a little something that made me laugh out loud this morning:
During a robbery, the mask of one of the robbers momentarily slid down. He repositioned it, looked at a man and asked, "Did you see my face?"
The man said, "Yes!" and the robber shot him.
Then he turned and asked a woman. "Did you see my face?"
She said, "No, but my husband over there did."


Right, here's a little something that made me laugh out loud this morning:
During a robbery, the mask of one of the robbers momentarily slid down. He repositioned it, looked at a man and asked, "Did you see my face?"
The man said, "Yes!" and the robber shot him.
Then he turned and asked a woman. "Did you see my face?"
She said, "No, but my husband over there did."

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."