Jul-18-2012, 10:57 AM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Jul-18-2012, 11:03 AM (UTC) by Farseer.)
Oh! How could I forget Brienne?! Yes, yes, I cared about her very much.
Missandei not so much.
It's not that I didn't like her or anything...I just didn't *care* about her.
I knew something was always going to be in the wind for Jaime, despite my own dislike of him from the very beginning, as my son had often spoken of him as being one of his favourite characters. Imagine my shock when I first came across this incestuos, king-slaying turncloak!
I still can't stand him but his and Brienne's relationship was one of the more enjoyable in the books, for mine.
I don't think I've left anyone else out, except for maybe Sam. He's a true-blue one, that one.
Tyrion more than most of the other annoying mainstays, yes, but he's worn a bit thin with me during ADwD so I've reached the "Oh, Others take Tyrion!" stage.
That may change though.
EDIT: I had to come back and add in Sandor Clegane (the Hound) as being one I still cared about by the close of ADwD. I should have thought about it some more before I began my list. So, will Farseer think of still more if she takes some more time to *think*?!
More soon. I'm about ten (?) pages into the thread and was relieved to read that I'm actually *not* the only Hobb fan who hasn't overly enjoyed ASoIaF in comparison...I was hugely surprised that you, Chrischa, were with me in that group though!
ps Glad to see that you're still talking to me, joost!

I knew something was always going to be in the wind for Jaime, despite my own dislike of him from the very beginning, as my son had often spoken of him as being one of his favourite characters. Imagine my shock when I first came across this incestuos, king-slaying turncloak!

I don't think I've left anyone else out, except for maybe Sam. He's a true-blue one, that one.

EDIT: I had to come back and add in Sandor Clegane (the Hound) as being one I still cared about by the close of ADwD. I should have thought about it some more before I began my list. So, will Farseer think of still more if she takes some more time to *think*?!

More soon. I'm about ten (?) pages into the thread and was relieved to read that I'm actually *not* the only Hobb fan who hasn't overly enjoyed ASoIaF in comparison...I was hugely surprised that you, Chrischa, were with me in that group though!
ps Glad to see that you're still talking to me, joost!

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."