Sep-26-2012, 09:36 AM (UTC)
I finished the Dance with dragons.. well... I don't like if a book so unfinished and you have to wait for the next part being published 
I begun the Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow (Twelve kingdom 1) by Fuyumi Ono. I love the anime, so I hope I will like the books too. Well, lot's of new words, lucky for me I read a digital version, because I need the dictionary more than usual.
A friend of mine lent me the Mouse Guard: Fall and the Winter, they are surprisingly good comics. Fine art and a good story.

I begun the Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow (Twelve kingdom 1) by Fuyumi Ono. I love the anime, so I hope I will like the books too. Well, lot's of new words, lucky for me I read a digital version, because I need the dictionary more than usual.
A friend of mine lent me the Mouse Guard: Fall and the Winter, they are surprisingly good comics. Fine art and a good story.
"We don’t like spicy food. Once we found red fang-shaped fruit among the cargo of a shipwreck. We ate it and regretted it loud and long!"