Oct-31-2011, 06:29 AM (UTC)
(Oct-31-2011, 05:03 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: To me though, Kennit didn't ever truly care for Etta while he was alive and so therefore would not have bothered himself with either her or her feelings after his death.
I most certainly agree that Kennit never truly cared for Etta when he was alive, which is why this time-around I thought to myself "wait, that wouldn't have been Kennit. If not him, then who!?" which is how I came to the conclusion it could have been the unborn baby. Of course, I feel that the wizardwood charm is the most-likely and logical culprit here.

(Oct-31-2011, 05:03 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: Argh! A thought is is niggling at me though...something about Paragon, the ship, having heard the charm, or been aware of it, at one other time, or vice-versa, before? Will see what I can dig up.
I can't recall a time when Paragon was aware of it because Etta was only on his ship for the short time they fled the Jamallians & landed on Stink Island to assist Tintaglia. The moment we've been speaking about seems to be the only time the ship becomes aware of the voice but he only thinks of it as not-Kennit, but sounding of Kennit. There was definitely an awareness between the charm and Vivacia - to the point the charm hints of having spoken with her several times. Perhaps that's what you're thinking?

(Oct-31-2011, 05:03 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: While Malta, Selden and Reyn are 'formally' Elderlings already, and ones such as Thymara, Rapscal etc are quickly transforming to that state which is outwardly visible to all within the realm as being 'Elderling' eg scaled skin, eyes of varying colour etc, we also then have ones such as Wintrow, Althea, Thick, Dutiful, Nettle and Fitz etc who are descended from Elderlings (or who have 'the stuff of dragons' in their family line) but who do not show outward signs of their heritage other than the very human black hair, black eyes and dark skin colouring that does not match what most conceive as being of Elderlings...it is more in their Skill, sensitivity to liveships etc that the world could define the strain. Possibly I am very wrong in this line of thought!!
Ah, see.. I believe we define Elderlings somewhat differently. I think having sensitivity to a liveship is somewhat different than being Skill-sensitive. In a liveship there are years and years of human memories piled on top and, due to the nature of dragons & their spit (which helps make the cocoons), I think anyone can be sensitive to the stuff. When SWR's slime touches Wintrow.. do you believe that is a true Skill-link or merely a by-product of having touched her slime? Think back to when an entire crew is affected by the figurehead's mood (hello, Paragon) by being in close proximity to the wizardwood. Is it coincidence that all those people can Skill, to have that sensitivity? I doubt it.
Think, instead, of those people who can understand when the Dragon speaks. Or the fact that some people can't understand her at all! Some people in the Rain Wilds could "hear the music" of the Elderling city.. and some cannot. True skill-sensitivity in these cases, I think. Fitz, Dutiful, Nettle, Thick, Malta, Reyn, Selden.. all of these people can understand the dragon speak. Remember when Althea, Wintrow & Malta are all in the stateroom on Vivacia, recounting their tales of what had happened to them after leaving Bingtown. Vivacia calls the serpents and the serpents reply.. and, later, Tintaglia comes. Malta can understand what the ship is saying to the serpents & what Tintaglia is saying, but Althea and Wintrow can't. Neither can Kennit.. which is where I was going with this huge-ass paragraph.
I'd say that, since Kennit nor Althea nor Wintrow are Skill-sensitive.. they will not become Elderlings nor give birth to Elderlings unless the dragon deigns to honor them with her "touch."
I think this theory of mine could be applied to why some of the people in Kelsingra are obviously Elderlings, and some humans. The humans are a. not skill sensitive and b. not touched by a dragon or descended from someone who was. Of course this all falls apart when you say things like "Fitz sees someone with black hair/black eyes speaking with a dragon and doesn't mention elongated limbs."

I'm curious about all your mentions of the black hair/black eyes thing. I've long thought it very interesting that, out of all the places/realms/cities/people we've seen in this series, the Six Duchies folk seem to have more Elderling lore/scrolls/tapestries left over from ancient times than any others... not counting the Rain Wilders now that they're excavating old cities full of the stuff, but before that the Rain Wilders were merely Jamallians.
The Six Duchies folk, alone, also remember what it is to use the magic of the dragons (Skill) to their benefit.. which makes me feel they're the most closely descended from Elderlings. They have black hair/black eyes. So tell me what I'm missing here with the features, lol.
(Oct-31-2011, 05:03 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: On a tangent, possibly their entire existance, and not just their memories, hinges on their consumption of their cocoon after hatching eg what would happen to a dragon which hatched but for some reason was not able to consume its cocoon?
Well.. we know that some of the dragons had died in the wizardwood long before the Rain Wilders began cutting them up. Eg. Ophelia most-likely came from one of these cocoons. She has no dragon 'soul' lying under in wait. However Jani/Reyn had mentioned several times how they would spill the thing from it's cradle still wiggling and watch it spasm and die. They knew they were killing some of the dragons. Would those dragon-hatchlings have survived if they were spilled forth during high summer, the heat pouring down on their skins? Interesting to think about, for sure!!! I'd imagine it would be a very stunted dragon without the rich memories/life of the skill-veined and spit-coated cocoon.. much like the stuned dragons we know from RWC.
(Oct-31-2011, 05:03 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: Regardless, Paragon the boy is obviously of some importance or else why would Amber have bothered to speak to Wintrow of him, and request that Wintrow stay by his side? He will also still have the stuff of dragons in his line, as did Malta. Still, in the beginning, not one of us could have ever predicted her rise to Elderling status. Possibly the same will be said for Paragon, the boy/man.
We are certainly witnessing not only the next generation of Elderlings being created but also the next generation of the world that will live to see (hopefully!) time shifted to a new course.
Oh I definitely agree boy Paragon will be quite important someday. Witnessing the next generation of Elderlings.. right when everyone shows up in Kelsingra (the town we watched Fitz stumble through) makes me ITCH for City of Dragons! Hurry up February!!

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.” ~Patrick Rothfuss in The Name of the Wind
“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.” ~Patrick Rothfuss in The Name of the Wind