May-28-2010, 11:42 PM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: May-29-2010, 10:57 PM (UTC) by Farseer.)
Everything adds to the discussion, Chrischa
No connection at all from what I can see but this from 'The Judging Eye' by R.Scott Baker - Sranc. Bearing shields of lacquered human leather. Wearing corselets scaled with human fingernails and necklaces of human teeth.
And this, regarding vampires - [i]In European and Slavic history, fingernails were thought to be one of the tell-tale signs that a corpse was a vampire. Vampires were thought to lose their old nails and grow new ones upon their entry to the vampiric world. An exhumed body that lacked nails or had grown new ones was summarily staked, and very often burned or reburied with garlic to seal the corpse within the ground.Quoted from here
In the RotE books themselves, the only real references to nails that I can think of is Fitz and Fool nibbling on the corner of their thumbnails now and then; Thymara's claws instead of nails and Beloved's loss of them during the Pale Woman's torturing of him....hmm...could there be something even in that?! I don't think so BUT if there couldn't be a link to Kitten-Thick and the drowned kittens of Kennit's, there's no reason there could be a link with Kennit's nails and Fool?

No connection at all from what I can see but this from 'The Judging Eye' by R.Scott Baker - Sranc. Bearing shields of lacquered human leather. Wearing corselets scaled with human fingernails and necklaces of human teeth.
And this, regarding vampires - [i]In European and Slavic history, fingernails were thought to be one of the tell-tale signs that a corpse was a vampire. Vampires were thought to lose their old nails and grow new ones upon their entry to the vampiric world. An exhumed body that lacked nails or had grown new ones was summarily staked, and very often burned or reburied with garlic to seal the corpse within the ground.Quoted from here
In the RotE books themselves, the only real references to nails that I can think of is Fitz and Fool nibbling on the corner of their thumbnails now and then; Thymara's claws instead of nails and Beloved's loss of them during the Pale Woman's torturing of him....hmm...could there be something even in that?! I don't think so BUT if there couldn't be a link to Kitten-Thick and the drowned kittens of Kennit's, there's no reason there could be a link with Kennit's nails and Fool?
"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."