Dec-14-2011, 06:50 PM (UTC)
Hi, wanted to say hello. I've just finished Dragon Haven after a good four months of reading all eleven RotE books and finally plucked up the courage to join and post as I feel I have a huge Hobb shaped gap in my life now that needs filling
On emotions, needless to say I cried like a baby when Nighteyes died and I still haven't gotten over the part of Fool's Fate from where Fitz and Fool find Icefyre/the pale woman right up until the end and I still feel tears coming if I think about it too much! My husband thinks I'm bonkers.
On the lighter side the first scene that comes to mind is when Fitz wakes up next to Molly and realises that Nighteyes has ahem helped him out in that department or when Lord Golden gets really drunk in order to try it on with Civil and Fitz has to carry him back to his room. That and the scene following it in his room made me giggle. I'm sure there are alot more too, just can't think of them off the top of my head.

On emotions, needless to say I cried like a baby when Nighteyes died and I still haven't gotten over the part of Fool's Fate from where Fitz and Fool find Icefyre/the pale woman right up until the end and I still feel tears coming if I think about it too much! My husband thinks I'm bonkers.
On the lighter side the first scene that comes to mind is when Fitz wakes up next to Molly and realises that Nighteyes has ahem helped him out in that department or when Lord Golden gets really drunk in order to try it on with Civil and Fitz has to carry him back to his room. That and the scene following it in his room made me giggle. I'm sure there are alot more too, just can't think of them off the top of my head.