May-17-2012, 11:21 AM (UTC)
It seems, despite my recent suggestion that we should talk about Words Like Coins here, that I have managed to dump quite a lot of discussion about Pecksies in the Mythical Creatures/Folk thread over the years! 
You're right, joost. Robin chose 'pecksie' as a pixie-like labelling for her RotE creatures...though they are different. See post #19 in the MC/F thread for the post I made about Robin's creation of the use of the word 'Pecksie', and the subsequent link.
Despite the connection to pixies, I have to admit that the illustration of the Pecksie on the front of the recent Words Like Coins e-book is a lot more pixie-like than I had pictured a Pecksie. If you've ever seen a dripping wet kitten, how thin it looks with its fur slicked against it...well, that's how I pictured a Pecksie except that it stands on two legs rather than the four of a kitten. I suppose I came by that image due to a Pecksie's cat-like size and its cat-like mouth.
I'll give another shamless plug
to my one and only complete wiki article, Pecksie, if you'd like to take a look there, finella...though please note there are spoilerish references within the article so approach with caution.

You're right, joost. Robin chose 'pecksie' as a pixie-like labelling for her RotE creatures...though they are different. See post #19 in the MC/F thread for the post I made about Robin's creation of the use of the word 'Pecksie', and the subsequent link.

Despite the connection to pixies, I have to admit that the illustration of the Pecksie on the front of the recent Words Like Coins e-book is a lot more pixie-like than I had pictured a Pecksie. If you've ever seen a dripping wet kitten, how thin it looks with its fur slicked against it...well, that's how I pictured a Pecksie except that it stands on two legs rather than the four of a kitten. I suppose I came by that image due to a Pecksie's cat-like size and its cat-like mouth.

I'll give another shamless plug

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."