Jan-17-2019, 09:33 AM (UTC)
So. I love it the way Robin Hobb uses that word throughout her books when a character is coming to a point or about to ask a question or just needs a space filler to their spoken thoughts. 
But I digress! So. This is my first started topic thread to discuss various things I wonder at or find marvelous about various characters and revelations, understandings, a sort of place holder for my thoughts of all I've read and the books I've yet to read. If you don't already know from my intro post, I'm reading the books in a very strange order. For one thing, I like to know how things will turn out, GIVE me spoilers, I don't mind--I still enjoy the unraveling of how such events came to be and what can be learned of each character and what can I take away from it for myself? So. I began by reading the first Farseer trilogy when a co-worker gave me a copy of Assassin's Apprentice and I got so addicted to it I swallowed those books whole, demanding the next one from my co-worker, Mark and throwing a hissy fit when he delayed in getting me his copies.
If we had more time at work I would seek him out more and spend time talking to him about all my thoughts and questions (he's read all the books of course). After that first trilogy I then went on to read the last trilogy--Fitz and the Fool. Mark gasped at me when he heard I was doing this--he said he's never heard of anyone reading it so out of order. Hehe!
I'm GLAD I have done this because as I'm now going back and reading The Tawny Man trilogy (just finished Fool's Errand yesterday and have started Golden Fool) so many little details stand out to me and make so much sense. If I'd read them in order a lot of the finer details would have been lost on me as I devour the books to find out what's going to happen. I know what will be for the most part and now I have time to slowly digest these wonderful books and gather answers to some of my questions or flesh out reflections.
One thing that has really been bothering me (from Fool's Errand) is when Dutiful and Fitz are at Others' Island and Dutiful get's lost in the Skill, Fitz has to go in after him but gets unraveled himself. What and who is that magnanimous, omniscient type creature who unravels their tangled, lost threads in the Skill like she's unwinding a ball of yarn? She mentions that she remembers why they enjoyed toying with these silly humans who are all so dramatic. Is this Presence in the Skill ever mentioned again? She can't be a human who's "died" in the Skill like Shrewd or caught up in the Skill because she calls them 'humans'. Is she a dragon? I don't think so . . my gut instinct tells me no. She's so kindly towards Fitz and she's so knowledgeable, able to untwine his anma and Dutiful's back into two beings to send them back whole. That's a very powerful Person. It makes me wonder if she might be a god? Like Eda or even Sa? I asked Mark and he has no clue and said she was never mentioned again in any of the other books. So . . . hmmmm. He says he thinks she might have been a literary device of Hobb's to move the plot forward. I could understand this if it is so, but I hope not. I wish we could learn more about her kind, these Powerful Beings Who Live in the Skill.
I have so many other thoughts, questions, and reflections to share but as I'm at work my time is limited. I'll try to get online later on at home and post some more here. But at least now I have a place I can come and dump all my mental musings.

But I digress! So. This is my first started topic thread to discuss various things I wonder at or find marvelous about various characters and revelations, understandings, a sort of place holder for my thoughts of all I've read and the books I've yet to read. If you don't already know from my intro post, I'm reading the books in a very strange order. For one thing, I like to know how things will turn out, GIVE me spoilers, I don't mind--I still enjoy the unraveling of how such events came to be and what can be learned of each character and what can I take away from it for myself? So. I began by reading the first Farseer trilogy when a co-worker gave me a copy of Assassin's Apprentice and I got so addicted to it I swallowed those books whole, demanding the next one from my co-worker, Mark and throwing a hissy fit when he delayed in getting me his copies.

One thing that has really been bothering me (from Fool's Errand) is when Dutiful and Fitz are at Others' Island and Dutiful get's lost in the Skill, Fitz has to go in after him but gets unraveled himself. What and who is that magnanimous, omniscient type creature who unravels their tangled, lost threads in the Skill like she's unwinding a ball of yarn? She mentions that she remembers why they enjoyed toying with these silly humans who are all so dramatic. Is this Presence in the Skill ever mentioned again? She can't be a human who's "died" in the Skill like Shrewd or caught up in the Skill because she calls them 'humans'. Is she a dragon? I don't think so . . my gut instinct tells me no. She's so kindly towards Fitz and she's so knowledgeable, able to untwine his anma and Dutiful's back into two beings to send them back whole. That's a very powerful Person. It makes me wonder if she might be a god? Like Eda or even Sa? I asked Mark and he has no clue and said she was never mentioned again in any of the other books. So . . . hmmmm. He says he thinks she might have been a literary device of Hobb's to move the plot forward. I could understand this if it is so, but I hope not. I wish we could learn more about her kind, these Powerful Beings Who Live in the Skill.
I have so many other thoughts, questions, and reflections to share but as I'm at work my time is limited. I'll try to get online later on at home and post some more here. But at least now I have a place I can come and dump all my mental musings.