Feb-10-2011, 04:30 AM (UTC)
Which is your preference?
If left to my own devices, I am nocturnal. I just like knowing that most people are asleep at night so it's calmer and there are few things to bother me. It just sucks how much of society functions during the day. I absolutely hate waking up early-- I don't know how morning-type people can do it. When I'm on my nocturnal schedule, I'm still half asleep two hours after leaving bed, if I got up before noon. 10 o clock in the morning is still considered the middle of the night
I set at least five alarms and sometimes I can still sleep past all of them. Most of the time you'd need to detonate a bomb to wake me up.
Of course, if there is a regular schedule I have to follow, then there happens to be some magical force that shoves me out of bed and I manage to skip that two hour sleepy-hangover feeling if even it's before noon. Very strange considering that some nights when I'm staying up late to finish big school projects that I can work all night and still be perfectly wide awake even with only two hours of sleep.
If left to my own devices, I am nocturnal. I just like knowing that most people are asleep at night so it's calmer and there are few things to bother me. It just sucks how much of society functions during the day. I absolutely hate waking up early-- I don't know how morning-type people can do it. When I'm on my nocturnal schedule, I'm still half asleep two hours after leaving bed, if I got up before noon. 10 o clock in the morning is still considered the middle of the night

Of course, if there is a regular schedule I have to follow, then there happens to be some magical force that shoves me out of bed and I manage to skip that two hour sleepy-hangover feeling if even it's before noon. Very strange considering that some nights when I'm staying up late to finish big school projects that I can work all night and still be perfectly wide awake even with only two hours of sleep.