Jun-19-2011, 04:08 PM (UTC)
I really want to get back to this thread for further discussion about recording identities in memory stone but am just stopping in quickly to add to the discussion regarding Elderling scrolls. This from Reyn in TMS, Chapter Twenty-Six, 'Compromises':
Of course, as I mentioned previously, other scrolls regarding Elderlings have been found scattered throughout the realm so they do exist. Still, both Fitz and Reyn believe that there should be more Elderling written works than what there are, and wonder at the reason why there are not. Funnily enough, both lament that they don't have enough time to study the scrolls that they already have!
More to add but not enough time!
Quote:...I find these parchments, and I want the time to make sense of them. It is not easy. There are very few written documents from the Elderlings. That makes translating what we do find difficult. I want to discover all of what they can tell us. I hope they may be a clue as to why there are so few written records. They obviously were a literate folk; there should be a wealth of books and scrolls. But where?
Of course, as I mentioned previously, other scrolls regarding Elderlings have been found scattered throughout the realm so they do exist. Still, both Fitz and Reyn believe that there should be more Elderling written works than what there are, and wonder at the reason why there are not. Funnily enough, both lament that they don't have enough time to study the scrolls that they already have!
More to add but not enough time!

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."