Jul-30-2011, 09:18 AM (UTC)
Below are the latest details for Robin's schedule at Worldcon, as taken from her website. I'm not going to Worldcon but I was interested to hear of the update on the re-writes!
The site link for Worldcon can be found here .

The site link for Worldcon can be found here .
Quote:Just a brief update, as I am still up to my neck in dragons. Figuratively. Literally, I’m up to my neck in obese cats, but we won’t talk about that here.
Worldcon, as noted before, is in Reno this year, and is called Renovation! The dates are from August 18th to August 21. For more information on the entire event, please visit the Worldcon Website.
I expect to arrive about midday on Thursday. Here is my schedule of official appearances:
Robin Hobb KaffeeKlatsch: Fri 12:00 (KaffeeKlatsch), Fri 12:00 – 13:00, KK1 (RSCC) (Please note: I usually bring goodies to share to any coffee gatherings I do, but unfortunately the convention center forbids outside food. So. Rats. I hope there will at least be coffee available but cannot promise even that!)
Autographing: Fri 13:00 (Autographing), Fri 13:00 – 14:00, Hall 2 Autographs (RSCC) (immediately following the coffee gathering)
Why to Start Writing Now (Panel), Fri 16:00 – 17:00, Hall 2 Teen Lounge (RSCC) (I’m going to be talking to the teenagers at this one. If you’re interested in why I think people should Write Here, Right Now start and you are not a teenager, you can also catch up with me on Saturday at noon. See below.)
Reading: Robin Hobb (Reading), Sat 10:30 – 11:00, A14 (RSCC)I haven’t decided what do do as a reading. Something from The Inheritance? Something from City of Dragons? We’ll see.
Why to Start Writing Now (Panel), Sat 12:00 – 13:00, E1 (RSCC) This one is for anyone who’d like to come listen to why I think it’s important to start writing Right Here and Right Now.
And now I am back to my rewrites! Less than 100 pages to go. I think!
"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."