Aug-31-2011, 11:13 PM (UTC)
An update from Robin:
Details on all of these events, and more, are listed under 'Appearances' on Robin's site - here.
Quote:October 2, 2011, I ‘ll be at the Northwest Bookfest in Kirkland, Washington! Come in out of the rain and find out how to deal with life when it’s Raining Books!
January of 2012 will find me at ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan. The con’s guest of honor will be Patrick Rothfuss, and we’ll also be seeing Peter Brett, Brent Weeks and Joe Abercrombie . . . some of my favorites.
In March, I’ll be attending The Tucson Festival of Books, held on the campus of the University of Arizona.
And finally, in July, I will be the Guest of Honor at Westercon, held in Seattle this year!
Details on all of these events, and more, are listed under 'Appearances' on Robin's site - here.

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."