Feb-02-2012, 10:30 AM (UTC)
I'm not sure if bringing this up is wise but, well, "I have never been wise".

I've just seen the latest tweet (see above or the main news page for the original source) and near squealed with delight.
Did anyone here go to ConFusion to verify details/fill us all in eg when we can expect it to be released? I can't find anything on it anywhere so possibly it was a nice little treat just for ConFusion-goers...and the rest of us will have to cool our heels and wait.
If you hear anything, please let us know.

I've just seen the latest tweet (see above or the main news page for the original source) and near squealed with delight.
Quote:cabri OH! Before I forget to say, @robinhobb read an excerpt from her upcoming YA novel ("Silent" if not changed). Best reading of @ConFusionMI.
Did anyone here go to ConFusion to verify details/fill us all in eg when we can expect it to be released? I can't find anything on it anywhere so possibly it was a nice little treat just for ConFusion-goers...and the rest of us will have to cool our heels and wait.
If you hear anything, please let us know.

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."