Feb-10-2013, 11:04 PM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Mar-13-2013, 10:34 PM (UTC) by Farseer.)
Hey everyone,
I just completed the Liveship trilogy after reading the Farseer then Tawny Man trilogies first. I looked around here and it appears that I am in danger of seeing spoilers. I do not want to see things that will ruin my experience of other Hobbb stories so I have created this thread for safe discussions of the three trilogies in the title.
If anyone would like to talk about these books I would love to hear from you.
I enjoyed reading the Liveship trilogy. When I finished with the Farseer series I wanted to stay with the Fitz Chivalry character and skipped Liveships. Hobb is such a skilled writer she provided essential information from Liveships in the Tawny Man series so you were not missing anything.
Having read everything in the order I chose I would recommend that people read them in time sequence (Farseer to Liveships to Tawny Man) for the ideal experience though.
I missed out on the mystery of Amber knowing her identity in advance so I would like to know when people started to realize who she was?
It must have been a great feeling when the way Amber reworked Paragon had been revealed.
Even though I have the knowledge of Tawny Man's outcome, Liveships ended with great potential for future stories.
Hobb is such a wonderful writer. I am looking forward to the new Fitz/Fool series she has acknowledged even though I felt she compromised the ending of Tawny Man.
Liveship was written with a different approach than F & TM. I started out disliking several characters I eventually loved. Initially, I could not stand Malta. I was also tempted to skip Kyle Haven's dialog it was too much to take. I hated him so much. He is one character I did not change my opinion of.
At the end of Liveships Amber is talking with Paragon about Wintrow. Paragon responds with an opposite scenario that hits home with Amber. It was the part where the would-be philosophical priest becomes mentor to a future pirate king vs. a would-be king becoming a philosophical recluse. Tawny Man did not end with Amber changing that entirely. Perhaps Fitz-Fool will?
Well, hopefully this is enough to get a few bites from people. I will talk about anything in these books if you want to.
I just completed the Liveship trilogy after reading the Farseer then Tawny Man trilogies first. I looked around here and it appears that I am in danger of seeing spoilers. I do not want to see things that will ruin my experience of other Hobbb stories so I have created this thread for safe discussions of the three trilogies in the title.
If anyone would like to talk about these books I would love to hear from you.
I enjoyed reading the Liveship trilogy. When I finished with the Farseer series I wanted to stay with the Fitz Chivalry character and skipped Liveships. Hobb is such a skilled writer she provided essential information from Liveships in the Tawny Man series so you were not missing anything.
Having read everything in the order I chose I would recommend that people read them in time sequence (Farseer to Liveships to Tawny Man) for the ideal experience though.
I missed out on the mystery of Amber knowing her identity in advance so I would like to know when people started to realize who she was?
It must have been a great feeling when the way Amber reworked Paragon had been revealed.
Even though I have the knowledge of Tawny Man's outcome, Liveships ended with great potential for future stories.
Hobb is such a wonderful writer. I am looking forward to the new Fitz/Fool series she has acknowledged even though I felt she compromised the ending of Tawny Man.
Liveship was written with a different approach than F & TM. I started out disliking several characters I eventually loved. Initially, I could not stand Malta. I was also tempted to skip Kyle Haven's dialog it was too much to take. I hated him so much. He is one character I did not change my opinion of.
At the end of Liveships Amber is talking with Paragon about Wintrow. Paragon responds with an opposite scenario that hits home with Amber. It was the part where the would-be philosophical priest becomes mentor to a future pirate king vs. a would-be king becoming a philosophical recluse. Tawny Man did not end with Amber changing that entirely. Perhaps Fitz-Fool will?
Well, hopefully this is enough to get a few bites from people. I will talk about anything in these books if you want to.