Feb-16-2011, 02:18 PM (UTC)
Hmm, yes, I see what you mean, Nuytsia. I will have to keep a look out for all of this when I finally get to it during my re-read.
I'm quoting this passage again but for a different reason this time...the "fascinating and shiny" object makes me wonder...related to something (the Skill?) perhaps, or just something everyday?
(Aug-09-2010, 04:06 PM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: But most jarring for me was that it evoked a memory I both did and did not recognise: another time and an older woman, prying something fascinating and shiny from my chubby-fisted grasp, while saying, 'No, Keppet. Not for little boys.'
I'm quoting this passage again but for a different reason this time...the "fascinating and shiny" object makes me wonder...related to something (the Skill?) perhaps, or just something everyday?
"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."