Apr-01-2010, 11:08 AM (UTC)
I have wondered the same thing too. I tried to get a message to Hobb via the Voyager UK website years ago - they stated that if you sent them mail for the aithors, they would forward it - but never heard back. (But that site's maintenance sucked anyway. There was stuff like the FAQ page going blank and me mailing them about it over the course of a year and them never getting around to fix it. The new site is pretty poor too.)
Fitz might not recognize his own grandfather because he only has very vague memories from long ago of him. I guess we'll never know for sure, unless someone can get RH to conform or deny it. (But then again, perhaps she did intend for it to remain nebulous.)
Fitz might not recognize his own grandfather because he only has very vague memories from long ago of him. I guess we'll never know for sure, unless someone can get RH to conform or deny it. (But then again, perhaps she did intend for it to remain nebulous.)
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