Jan-27-2012, 12:33 AM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Jan-27-2012, 12:55 AM (UTC) by Farseer.)
Well, I thought so on my first read of LST but you'd be surprised how many either did not think it was the same city or how much this issue was in question, even after Dragon Haven let alone the LST series. It was this reason why I first ever went from 'lurker' status to 'member' status here on thePlenty (I just had to butt in that day and share the evidence that they were indeed one and the same
) - Check posts #23, 24 and 26 for my points.
In fact, as as aside, the entire thread may be of interest given that it is based on Dragon Haven and thus the last novel released prior to City of Dragons. It might be great for a refresher for those who haven't been able to do a re-read? Lots of great posts throughout.
As mentioned in the link though, the connection with the city was even confirmed again later in DH when Alise viewed the tapestry in the Rain Wilds whilst she was in the meeting with Leftrin and Malta etc with the Rain Wild Traders. This linked the city she knew to be Kelsingra with the city Tintaglia knew to be Kelsingra, and thus to the city that Fitz and Verity had visited.
Understandable though for some not to take the evidence on face value, or to miss the hints, given that our Tangle Leader is somewhat overly sneaky at times. Sometimes things are not always what they seem, even when they seem obvious.
I do have something to add on this though, when time allows. Something from back in AQ lurks and needs attention...

In fact, as as aside, the entire thread may be of interest given that it is based on Dragon Haven and thus the last novel released prior to City of Dragons. It might be great for a refresher for those who haven't been able to do a re-read? Lots of great posts throughout.
As mentioned in the link though, the connection with the city was even confirmed again later in DH when Alise viewed the tapestry in the Rain Wilds whilst she was in the meeting with Leftrin and Malta etc with the Rain Wild Traders. This linked the city she knew to be Kelsingra with the city Tintaglia knew to be Kelsingra, and thus to the city that Fitz and Verity had visited.
Understandable though for some not to take the evidence on face value, or to miss the hints, given that our Tangle Leader is somewhat overly sneaky at times. Sometimes things are not always what they seem, even when they seem obvious.

I do have something to add on this though, when time allows. Something from back in AQ lurks and needs attention...
"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."