Feb-04-2019, 08:44 AM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Feb-06-2019, 08:34 PM (UTC) by Lady Persephone.)
Sorry folks, I know I'm so obsessed with this at the moment, but I had another lightening strike of inspiration when I went to bed last night as I was mulling over what I last mentioned about how Bee was conceived in my head . . .
You know how the Fool described for Bee the process of how she was born and described it like the way an Elderling is shaped/created? And, I forget which book it was, FQ or AF, but when it dawned on the Fool how it happened that Bee came to be (haha! I love that, Bee came to be, hee
) and he was explaining it to Fitz who didn't like it very much because of his petty jealousies and what not. The way that Whites reproduce, the way it takes two fathers and one mother . . it began to dawn on me that when a White mates the process is definitely not quite the same as a simple sexual coupling, if indeed it takes a coupling in the way that we know it at all. It began to dawn on me that, in my own opinion mind you, I believe the Fool and Fitz did go beyond friendship and perhaps didn't even fully realise they were doing it when they became one during Fitz's healing of the Fool and becoming him in FF. I believe for the genetic information for a White to be passed on it takes such a bonding, such a oneness with another which could be how the Fool himself was conceived by two fathers in the tradition of his species. I forget the exact line the Fool said about that but later on when I'm at home this evening I'll try to dig it up.
I believe the feelings the Fool feels for Fitz, while they are far beyond anything sexual for the most part, are not bereft of being sexual in nature due to the way his people reproduce. Two fathers. Those fathers share something together as well but it takes that fertilized seed from the both of them to pass onto the female to become the White baby. This is all my own opinion and I may be way off, but it makes so much sense and puts it all into perspective. Fitz couldn't understand any of this and even in all his protestations that he would never "bed" Beloved, he actually did in a sense. Hee!
Remember in FF, at the beginning, that famous scene when the Fool skill-linked with Fitz and he first asked him if it was what he really wanted? Why would he phrase it like that? It was a "becoming" not a skilling. It was "his lover's mouth to his" and he turned toward and was opening himself to it. It scared him, naturally. He wasn't ready . . yet. I think the Fool knew what he was doing there. He was taking Fitz to that level. Later on when Fitz gets high off that delvenbark Poetre (probably butchered the name, sorries) gave him and wanted the Fool to try that Skill link with him again, the Fool objected because it would have been like "taking advantage of him in a drunken state" which he told him. Why would it have been taking advantage of him? Because it was extremely intimate, they would have become one. At the end it did happen. They did become one being. They went there. I think that seed was stored in Fitz and at the right time it got fertilized in Molly, hence Bee.
It makes a lot of sense to me. And no, just because Fitz was in the Fool's body repairing it doesn't mean he fully understood his anatomy. It was so alien to him. He probably didn't have either reproductive parts but what he did have Fitz probably excused it as being male because he had no other explanation for it. Hobb never writes "and Fitz took a look at his nether regions and . . . " *lol* Later on when he was trying to heal him at the beginning of FA he tries to take off the Fool's knickers and the Fool won't allow it. Why would he not if he knew Fitz had already seen all that was there. Fitz wouldn't have been able to comprehend what he was looking at just like if we saw an alien creature we wouldn't know what we were looking at. Fitz gets angry and says, "Fine! Keep your secrets, take them to the grave"! Or words to that effect.
Okay ima shut up now. I could go on and on.

You know how the Fool described for Bee the process of how she was born and described it like the way an Elderling is shaped/created? And, I forget which book it was, FQ or AF, but when it dawned on the Fool how it happened that Bee came to be (haha! I love that, Bee came to be, hee

I believe the feelings the Fool feels for Fitz, while they are far beyond anything sexual for the most part, are not bereft of being sexual in nature due to the way his people reproduce. Two fathers. Those fathers share something together as well but it takes that fertilized seed from the both of them to pass onto the female to become the White baby. This is all my own opinion and I may be way off, but it makes so much sense and puts it all into perspective. Fitz couldn't understand any of this and even in all his protestations that he would never "bed" Beloved, he actually did in a sense. Hee!

It makes a lot of sense to me. And no, just because Fitz was in the Fool's body repairing it doesn't mean he fully understood his anatomy. It was so alien to him. He probably didn't have either reproductive parts but what he did have Fitz probably excused it as being male because he had no other explanation for it. Hobb never writes "and Fitz took a look at his nether regions and . . . " *lol* Later on when he was trying to heal him at the beginning of FA he tries to take off the Fool's knickers and the Fool won't allow it. Why would he not if he knew Fitz had already seen all that was there. Fitz wouldn't have been able to comprehend what he was looking at just like if we saw an alien creature we wouldn't know what we were looking at. Fitz gets angry and says, "Fine! Keep your secrets, take them to the grave"! Or words to that effect.
Okay ima shut up now. I could go on and on.

Discover where you are now, and go on from there, making the best of things. Accept your life, and you might survive it. If you hold back from it, insisting this is not your life, not where you are meant to be, life will pass you by. You may not die from such foolishness, but you might as well be dead for all the good your life will do you or anyone else. - Vivacia to Wintrow, The Mad Ship