Jan-20-2013, 12:53 PM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Jan-20-2013, 12:58 PM (UTC) by Farseer.)
(Jan-20-2013, 09:19 AM (UTC))thul Wrote: Research into berserkers and their mentalities generally reveal that there's no emotional link.
You're researching now?!

Oh, now I'm going to have to find time to come back here and research too!

In response to this point,
(Jan-20-2013, 09:19 AM (UTC))thul Wrote: Some theories about Berserk is that it was a rudimentary form of drug-induced rage. But it could also be biased accounts.
I have heard of this theory

While under the influence of carris seed, after eating the carris seed cake given to him by Chade, Fitz had forsook all of his previous training in diplomacy and quiet ways of an assassin and publicly killed Justin in Buckkeep's Great Hall with Shrewd's own knife. There was no thought, no plan. Just action. At some point later (I think in AQ when Chade and Burrich finally severed their ties with Fitz and left him to his own devices after he had returned to himself from his death/being joined with Nighteyes), Chade even told Fitz that he would no longer include him in his plans because Fitz was too dangerous. I will have to find it to confirm but I am sure that Chade even mentions thereabouts that he couldn't trust Fitz not to go berserk in the middle of things, like he did when he 'avenged' Shrewd's death back in Buckkeep. In doing the deed as he had, so thoughtlessly, violently and publicly, Fitz had stripped he and Chade of the Six Duchies dukes' support and thus their power base at Buckkeep. Fitz excused the episode with his simply having been angry following Shrewd's murder.
During the berserker episode in the Great Hall, Fitz took injuries that he did not even recall having suffered until he later came back to himself. He was also exhausted, which is apparently a notable side-effect following a berserker episode (he also experienced such an exhaustion following his berserker on Antler Island). Of course, on this occasion in the Great Hall at least, his exhaustion was supposedly attributed to the downer that followed the consumption of carris seed as well as the exhaustion that usually followed after Fitz had Skilled.
When Fitz was approached by Regal and the dukes while he was in prison following his 'murder' of Justin, Shrewd etc, I believe that this berserker state that Fitz was known to experience in battle was considered common knowledge and Fitz even used it to argue against his own insanity.
As for these other things that bring about a berserker state, like drugs and alcohol etc, I did actually include such things in my previous posts though did not go into detail: "deliberately or physically worked toward/produced as true berserkers of the past sometimes did to work themselves into a frenzy" and "involuntary or produced". Sorry.
(Jan-20-2013, 04:08 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: All berserker states (for Fitz or any other 'berserker') are triggered by emotion (be it true emotion, or even an emotional high deliberately or physically worked toward/produced as true berserkers of the past sometimes did to work themselves into a frenzy...not that unlike how a sportsman may work himself up prior to or during competition).
(Jan-20-2013, 04:08 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: Berserker is a state that is triggered by emotion, involuntary or produced. For Fitz, it is further triggered, or exacerbated, as a result of his heightened emotional sensitivity.
(Jan-20-2013, 09:19 AM (UTC))thul Wrote: It might be that the tangle leader either intentionally or unintentionally used a different or erroneous interpretation for berserk when creating FitzChivalry.
I think it was intentional. There are too many similarities. As far as I am aware, some in history even theorised that berserkers did not only wear bear or wolf skins etc into battle but that they were actually like shape shifters who used magic and physically took on the forms of animals during battle. This most certainly puts me in mind of Fitz when he was on Antler Island (and the little girl who saw him even attested for Regal to his having shifted back from wolf to human form following his berserker...though we know the truth that what she actually saw was Nighteyes leaving Fitz behind) and also when he was trying to save the little girl from the Forged Ones. In his case, Fitz both did and did not take on the form of a wolf via his Wit-bond.
"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."